In the Spotlight
2018 Graduation Ceremony
Georgia Works graduation ceremony for 2018 graduates
2017 Graduation Ceremony Highlights
Georgia Works graduation ceremony for 2017 graduates
Mario’s Story | Georgia Works
Here is a story about Mario, a Georgia Works graduate.
2nd Testimony at the U.S. House of Representatives: Bill McGahan, Chairman and Founder
Mr. Bill McGahan, Chairman and Founder of Georgia Works gave a testimony before the U.S. House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform on June 28th, 2017. The committee’s chairman is Congressman Trey Gowdy, SC – 4, and the hearing was on the topic of “Criminal Justice Reform and Efforts to Reduce Recidivism.”
The Georgia Works Story
Bill McGahan explains the story behind Georgia Works success. Adolphus Chandler and Robert Williams tell their personal stories.
IMPACT Speaker: Bill McGahan, Founder of Georgia Works
Mr. Bill McGahan, Founder of Georgia Works was invited by Georgia Tech to speak as part of the IMPACT Speaker Series.
2016 Graduation Ceremony Highlights
Georgia Works graduation ceremony for 2016 graduates.
2015 Graduation Ceremony Highlights
Georgia Works graduation ceremony for 2015 graduates.
2014 Graduation Ceremony Highlights
Georgia Works graduation ceremony for 2014 graduates.