Where Work, Works!
Georgia Works transforms chronically homeless men into self-sufficient and productive members of society.

New Client Orientation:
10 A.M. Everyday
We develop and implement cost-effective, comprehensive programs that meet the needs of a diverse population working to break the cycles of homelessness, addiction and criminal recidivism. Our program is proven to be effective in helping chronically homeless men, proven to be cost effective, and proven to improve our community.
Announcing Merger With Sister Organization:
The Housing Tonight, Inc. (HTI) mission is to assist low income citizens, homeless individuals, families, and returning citizens to get stable housing with support services. Housing Tonight Inc is committed to assisting in providing the Lifestyle you dream of.
HTI is organized exclusively for Charitable and Educational purposes providing charitable service to the general public in the state of Georgia.

Grads Who Remain at Their Original Job
Graduates in Touch with Families
Graduates Have Not Been Arrested
Hired by Graduation

Donate & Support our efforts!
We develop and implement cost-effective, comprehensive programs that meet the needs of a diverse population working to break the cycles of homelessness, addiction and criminal recidivism. Our program is proven to be effective in helping chronically homeless men, proven to be cost effective, and proven to improve our community.
Learn More About Georgia Works
Georgia Works goal is to take chronically homeless men and help them overcome their barriers, change them as human beings, making them productive and self sufficient individuals.